New Year’s Resolution: “I will go easy on myself this year.”

Thought for the Day: Unfortunately, rapid change in our lives, like a natural disaster, is often quite unpleasant. So why on New Year’s do we try to rapidly change everything about ourselves in such dramatic fashion with New Year’s resolutions that are unrealistic and unpleasant? We all know the “I will lose [you choose] pounds/kg and be beautiful/handsome!”, “I will change [you choose] and be the most [you choose]!”, “I will….” on and on and on. This year, try something new…go easy on yourself. You are you and that’s just the way it’s supposed to be.

For New Year’s, loving yourself more should be on your list. No, not the narcissistic type of love, but the type of love that allows you to look in the mirror and smile at yourself and mean it. Instead of a New Year’s Resolution of “I will change everything about myself this year and make myself perfect!”, which is entirely unhealthy and unrealistic, say, “I will go easy on myself. This year I will treat myself better, with love and compassion.” And mean it. Then make a loving plan to follow through with it.

Don’t change everything all at once but add a little here and there. For example, for nutrition, add a vegetable to one meal each day or try a few heathier recipes a couple times a week. For physical fitness, walk the dog a few more times a day or play an active game with your kids on the game console. For mental health, ask for hugs from family and friends when you need one. Hugs are good! Set boundaries with people who push your buttons or take advantage of you. Saying “no” is ok and doesn’t require an explanation. They won’t like it but stick to it. Love yourself more.

This year for your New Year’s Resolution, go easy on yourself. Yes, self-improvement is always great but abrupt change usually leads to disappointment and despair. Nobody needs that in their life. You are great just the way you are but if you choose to have a New Year’s resolution, make it one that’s healthy and loving for you. Be healthier, be kinder, be stronger, learn something new, set boundaries with others…whatever will help you be a happier healthier you that treats yourself with more care and compassion. There are so many loving New Year’s resolutions. If you want to have a New Year’s resolution, make it a loving and kind one and go easy on yourself.

Stay safe, happy and healthy for New Year’s! Namaste

Quote of the Day

“Take a leap of faith and begin this wonderous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source – a Sower of Dreams – just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach, American author and philanthropist

You Are Amazing!

Thought of the Day: The Universe loved the idea of you so much it created you. You are a beautiful work of art created by the Universe itself. Isn’t that amazing?


Quote of the Day

“The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this; that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.” – Charles Dickens, English writer and social critic

Don’t Try to Put People in a Box. They Won’t Fit!

Thought for the Day: People are wonderfully colorful and beautiful and diverse just like the natural world because we are part of the natural world. Flowers are beautiful but they’re not all the same, so why should people be? Please don’t categorize people or put them in a labeled box for your own comfort. I promise you; they won’t fit! Instead, appreciate the wonderous beauty and absolute creative weirdness that is human life.

Part of being alive is enjoying all of the creativity, humor, beauty, and yes, delicious weirdness that is human life. We all have sides to us that no one knows about. Your very conservative aunt may have always wanted to dye her hair purple and perform on Broadway in a sequined mini dress with a pink feather boa wrapped around her. Your super eclectic neighbor may want nothing more than to sit in his rocking chair on the porch watching his five grandchildren play in the yard. Your gay cousin may want to get married, have children, and start a tradition of Sunday morning family breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup while watching reruns of The Waltons. Your religious heterosexual brother who is a doctor with a wife and three children may like to paint his nails yellow for fun and wear tinted lip balm to make his lips look more luscious and pink. Appreciate your friends and loved one’s for who they are, not who you think they should be.

People just don’t fit into neat little boxes with labels. We are like a walking, talking art exhibit. At an art show, you never know what’s around the other corner and you’re damned excited to find out! That should be our view of life. Be excited about the creativity and beauty of others. Don’t try to put them in a box because you are uncomfortable. They won’t fit so why try? It will just frustrate you and that’s not pleasant. Instead, learn to love the differences, then you will see the beauty and happiness in it.

People are more than what you see on the outside. We don’t fit neatly into boxes and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Our job as humans is not to label one another but to learn to love each other because of and in spite of our differences. Our wonderous differences make the human world the beautiful place it is.

Namaste my diverse and beautiful friends!

Quote of the Day

“There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.” – Conrad Hall, multi-national writer and author

“The best party of beauty is that which no picture can express.” – Francis Bacon, English philosopher

“Things are beautiful if you love them.” – Jean Anouilh, French dramatist

“Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.” – David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian

Love Just Happens

Thought for the Day: How did you fall in love? Why did you fall in love? Did you choose who you fell in love with? Can you answer any of these questions with certainty? Probably not. Love just happens. Isn’t that wonderful?

Wishing you all lots of unconditional love this holiday season!


Quote of the Day

All you need is love

All you need is love

All you need is love, love

Love is all you need

-Lyrics from the song All You Need Is Love, by the Beatles

During The Holiday Season, Don’t Forget About You

Thought for the Day: With the holiday season here, we spend a lot of our time traveling, shopping, and preparing food for and with others, along with taking care of our daily responsibilities. While being with your friends and loved ones is wonderful and joyful, don’t forget about your own well-being. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the get-togethers and activities that occur this time of year. The holiday season will not be ruined if you don’t get the holiday cards out on time, if you don’t get that extra batch of cookies done, or if you order pizza tonight and watch movies at home instead of going to one more holiday party. You may even find a new tradition by deviating from old ones!

Don’t stress out over the holidays. Enjoy the season instead of stressing about it. This holiday season, take the time to care for yourself. Make time for your daily workout, take a hot bath, or read a good book. Do some things for yourself that keep you happy and balanced. Cherish your well-being as you celebrate this wonderful holiday season!

Namaste my friends.

Quote of the Day

Rather than a Quote of the Day, I found an article How to Prioritize Self-Care During the Holidays from (National Alliance on Mental Health) with tips for staying centered during the holiday season. Here are a few of their quick tips:

  1. Know and respect your limits
  2. Set reasonable expectations
  3. Avoid known triggers
  4. Find ways to give back
  5. Decorate for comfort
  6. Be extra giving to yourself

Stay healthy and happy this holiday season!

*Please read the full article at the link above or go to for more information regarding mental health.

Relax and Enjoy Your Time

Thought for the Day: Sometimes life makes you stop whether you want to or not. When life forces you to stop, sit back, relax, and savor your time because that’s all you can do. Anger and impatience won’t change the situation so enjoy the time with gratitude.

Here in the United States, there is a huge winter storm making its way across the country. I’ve been snowed in at my home since Tuesday. On Monday afternoon, my employer closed early to get us all home safely before the storm hit. On the way home, I stopped to fill up my gas tank and made my way to the grocery store to stock up on food. I was fairly certain I wouldn’t be going anywhere for the week. And I was right!

We got an ice storm Tuesday that knocked out our power for about seven hours. Wednesday, we had rain and snow mixed together which caused our power to go out numerous times again while everyone in the community was out moving wet snow off sidewalks and streets to clean things up before the blizzard was supposed to hit, bringing lots of snow and wind. It’s now Thursday afternoon. The blizzard hit us just as they predicted. We’ve gotten over a foot of snow and the wind is causing white-out conditions. By this weekend, they are predicting temperatures at -20 degrees Fahrenheit or almost -7 Celsius. Needless to say, it will be mighty cold. Nobody will be going anywhere.

Why do I tell you all this? To complain? Maybe. But really, I’m grateful. My pets and I are warm in our home, there is some really fun food cooking in the crockpot, and I’m decorating my Christmas tree while my favorite holiday movie is playing in the background. I am very grateful. And besides, I can’t change the situation so why not enjoy it!

Sometimes things happen beyond our control. Whether it’s a massive snowstorm, a late flight, or a traffic jam, life can be unpredictable. When it happens to you, if you are safe and uninjured, why not enjoy it with gratitude!


Quote of the Day

“Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.” – Barbara Johnson, American author

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer, American spiritual speaker

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” – Arnold H. Glasow, American businessman

Life Isn’t Done With You Yet

Thought for the Day: If you are reading this blog, you are still alive so life isn’t done with you yet. There is more for you to experience, to learn, to appreciate, to enjoy. Go have fun and experience life. Find joy and happiness through your experiences.

I am a fan of Korean music and movies. I found out a few days ago that one of my favorite performers, Korean musician and actor, Choi Seung Hyun, better known by his stage name T.O.P, is going to space to circle the moon on a SpaceX flight in 2023 with Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa. There are eight people going, including other artists, athletes, and entertainers from several different nations. When I heard the news, I was thrilled and excited for everyone involved. The individuals going to space are living their lives to the fullest, without constraint. And that is what life is all about, finding joy, inspiration, and happiness through experiences.

For some people, climbing the highest mountain or yes, going to space, may be their dream experience. That is amazing for them! For you, your dream experience may be starting a new career, learning to skateboard, starting a family, getting your first pet, or buying your own home. That’s amazing too! Do what’s in your heart to do. Life isn’t a competition. Your joy, your dream experience, is all about you and what you heart desires. What experience would make your heart sing? Do it!

I’m so amazed by Choi Seung Hyun as a person. Life has not been easy for him and yet he is such a generous and kind human being and so brilliantly talented in so many things. He has done so much with his life in the short time he has been on this earth and now he gets to experience going to the moon. With all my heart, I hope the experience brings him great joy.

I’m also amazed by other human beings including my best friend who has five children. She always wanted to be a mom. The experience of being a mom to her five children brings her great joy. I am so grateful my friend is happy. I am amazed by another great friend who survived breast cancer, gets tattoos of her family and loved ones, dyes her hair bright colors and loves to go to rock concerts. She devours life like someone who has tasted death, because she has. I’m so grateful she is still here, that she is alive, and that she is able to have these joyful experiences. I’m learning a new language and planning for a dream trip to another country. Even the process of planning the trip is bringing me great joy. That is the point of life, finding joy in your own meaningful experiences.

Seek out the experiences in this life that are meaningful to you, experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment. Let your dreams become reality without fear or constraint. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Follow your heart and your happiness. You’re still alive so life isn’t done with you yet.! Make the most of it.


Quotes of the Day

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” – Heraclitus, Greek philosopher

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein, German born Jewish physicist

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard, Danish theologian and poet

“Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.” – John Keats, English poet

“The moon. I’m not scared to go at all. I’m not afraid of new experiences…I cannot wait to go to space…I want dear Moon to inspire the world, give people hope, and make anyone with a dream feel that anything is possible.” – Choi Seung Hyun, Korean musician and actor

Out With The Old, In With The New

Thought for the Day: The old saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new.” Sometimes when you desire change in your life, you have to let go of some things to let new things in. If you were getting married to your long-time love with a baby on the way, it is probably not helpful to continue to live with your parents, sleeping in your twin bed with posters on the wall and toys on shelves. You will have to move to a new home with space to be with your spouse and child as a new family. You must let go of the past to let your new story continue. Life is all about change. Don’t fear change, embrace it.

Fear can keep you in a place you don’t want to be because you are afraid of change but without change your dreams will languish in your mind instead of materializing for your true happiness. Fearing change will not allow you to grow and flourish. Grass grows in summer and trees lose their leaves in autumn before growing again in spring. It’s nothing to fear, nature just makes it so. Change is everywhere. As toddlers, we learn to walk even though we may fall down and have to get back up. No fear, nature just makes it so. We grow, we learn, and we change because nature makes it so. Nothing stays the same forever. You will grow old because nature makes it so. Don’t grow old with your dreams still in your head. Help them materialize through joy and acceptance rather than keeping them tucked away out of fear. Change is inevitable. Don’t fear change, embrace it, welcome it, live it, thrive in it.

Namaste my friends

Quote of the Day:

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful…” – Alan Cohen, American businessman

“There are always new, grander challenges to confront, and a true winner will embrace each one.” – Mia Hamm, American retired professional athlete

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” George Burns, American comedian and actor

“The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.” – Sitting Bull, Natie American Hunkpapa Lakota spiritual leader

Manifest Your Dreams

Thought for the Day: Manifest your dreams. You only have this one lifetime as you. Why hold yourself back?

What do you truly desire? What do you want? Daydream about it. Read about it. Write about it. Talk about it. Study it. Plan for it. Follow your inspiration and make your dreams come true. If you give up, you will never acquire what you want. Don’t give up. Follow your heart. If you believe, you will achieve your dreams.

When you are manifesting your dreams, you may get what you desire in an hour, in a day, in a year, or in several years. For example, if you desire a little money to buy a coffee, you may find money on the sidewalk or in the couch. Bingo – you got it! Congratulations! But if you desire to be a doctor, it will take more time and effort. With focus, energy, and time…Bingo – you’re a doctor! Congratulations! If you want it, go for it!

The point is this: If you want it, it’s worth your time, your energy, your focus, and your patience. Follow your heart. Manifest your dreams. Just Don’t Give Up! You’re worth it!


Quotes of the Day

“If you dream of becoming an eagle, you follow your dreams and not the words of a bunch of chickens.” – Penny Johnson Jerald, American actress

“Follow your dreams. It’s always too early to quit.” – Rudy Ruettiger, American author and motivational speaker

“What do you want to be when you grow up?..You can do that.” – my mom

Kindness Dare

Thought for the Day: Kindness spreads like ripples on water. Make some ripples and share your kindness. Then sit back and watch it spread.

Here is my kindness dare to you: Do something kind for someone within five minutes of reading this blog. Or do something kind for someone else within five minutes of someone doing something kind for you. Make it a family or a friend group dare. If you wish, share your kindness dare in the comments below.

Hope you are having a happy holiday season! Namaste

Quotes of the Day

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher and poet

“One who knows how to show and accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.” – Sophocles, Greek philosopher and playwright

“Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.” – Annie Lennox, Scottish singer and songwriter