Words Matter, Self-talk Matters

Thought of the Day: Be careful of the words you use regarding yourself. When you say things like, “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”, and “I’m not smart enough”, you convince yourself and others that you can’t, you don’t know how, and you aren’t smart enough. When you say such things, you hold yourself back. Words matter. Self-talk matters. You learn to believe what you say about you. Others believe what you say about you too!

Use words that support You rather than tear You down. Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I’ll try” or ” I may not be able to do it that way, but what if I do it this way.” Instead of saying “I don’t know how” say “I’ll learn”. Instead of saying, “I’m not smart enough” say “I’m smart. I can do this.”

The words you use about yourself matter. Self-talk matters. Be your own best friend and lift yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. No one in this world knows you better than you. Be good to you. You’ve got this. Remember, you were born worthy, you don’t have to earn it. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Appreciate yourself. When you do, others will love you, respect you, and appreciate you too. You deserve it.


Quotes of the Day

“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.” – Germany Kent, American journalist, businesswoman, philanthropist, and author.

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir, Israeli politician and teacher, known for being the Prime Minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974.

“If you celebrate your differentness, the world will too. It believes exactly what you tell it – through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.” – Victoria Moran, American author and speaker

Grow and Learn

Thought of the Day: Life is all about growing and learning as we live. As children, we spend all our time growing and learning new things about the world around us. As adults, we sometimes get into a routine or a rut, simply repeating the same things over and over day after day. Don’t let life become dull. Don’t forget to keep growing and learning. If not for fun, do it for your health. There is scientific evidence that experiencing new things, learning new skills, and staying social keeps your brain healthy and active well into your advanced years.

Try something new today, whether that means going to the art museum you have always wanted to visit or buying the ingredients for a recipe you’ve always wanted to try. Or maybe it’s as simple as going for a walk with your best friend, your partner, or your family and meeting the people in your neighborhood. Today is a great day to grow your experiences and learn something new. Wishing you a new adventure this weekend.


Quotes of the Day

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political activist known for non-violent resistance.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin, American inventor and political philosopher.

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.” – Maya Angelou, American poet, writer, and civil rights activist.

Goodbye Angela Lansbury

My heart is heavy today. I read the news this morning that my very favorite actress, Dame Angela Lansbury, passed away at the wonderful age of 96 years just a few days shy of her 97th birthday. She was a well-known film and stage actress known for her roles on Broadway in Mame and Sweeney Todd, among others. She was absolutely marvelous in her roles in the movies Gaslight and The Manchurian Candidate, for which she was nominated for Academy Awards for each role. She also provided her warm and wonderful voice to portray Mrs. Pots for the Disney animated film Beauty and the Beast and singing the theme song, Tale as Old as Time.

However, Angela Lansbury was maybe best known for her role as Jessica Fletcher in the massive hit television series Murder, She Wrote. This is the show that made me love her and sparked my interest in writing. In that role, Angela showed that women of all ages have a place in the world and have something to say. She insisted on making that role a real three-dimensional vital active female character and not a caricature of what others think mature women are, like a shawl wearing granny in a rocking chair. That hit show, with Angela Lansbury in the lead and later as executive producer, ran for 12 seasons and was ranked in the top 10 for most of its run.

I have every season of Murder She Wrote on DVD. I have watched these shows over and over and over! It played on repeat when I was in graduate school. As I studied, Angela Lansbury’s voice as Jessica Fletcher was always in the background. It was like having a good friend with me at school. I’m so grateful we still have Angela Lansbury with us through her movies and television shows to watch and enjoy, even if she is physically no longer present.

Angela Lansbury is now with her lovely husband, Peter Shaw, who passed away in 2003. They were married for over 50 years. They are now together forever. Love you Angela Lansbury. Rest in Peace.


Raise Your Vibration for Happiness

Thought for the Day: What is your vibration? Physics tells us that all things vibrate on a frequency. It’s like tuning into a channel on a radio. As humans, we can tune our frequency, up or down, by simple thought. Thinking about happy things raises our vibration, thinking about unhappy things brings our vibration down. For example, listening to music can bring you up or down depending on your response to the song.

How do you raise your vibration? Try this practice: Take a few minutes to daydream about something that brings you great joy. Get so much into the daydream that you can actually see it and feel it. For example, think about petting or hugging your pet, feeling it’s fur in your hands and the warmth of its body. Feel your pet lean into you as you cuddle with it. Or, if you are not a pet person, think about purchasing something you have always wanted to buy (no matter the cost) and really feel how it feels to hold it, wear it, drive it, whatever fits. Feel the sensation of the item on your fingers as you touch it. Does it feel cool to the touch or nice and warm? Is it hard or soft? Is it smooth like glass or velvet? Is it rough and rugged? Really feel it on your skin. Look at it carefully. What color is it? Does it shine and sparkle in the light? Really look at it and see it in your mind’s eye. Now after having that experience, how you feel? Happy? Satisfied? You have likely just raised your vibration.

Why do you want to raise your vibration? After daydreaming about something you love or want, how do you feel? Do you feel happy, lighter, brighter…you have just raised your vibration. Doesn’t that feel good? As you practice raising your vibration, it allows you to self-sooth and feel happier throughout the day, no matter what is going on around you. We can’t always control what is happening around us, but we can control how we feel. Be happy and healthy my friends!


Quote of the Day

“Distance doesn’t exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.” – Yoko Ono, Japanese artist, singer, and activist

“In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band; physics is the harmonies on the string, chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings; the universe is a symphony of strings, and the ‘Mind of God’ is cosmic music resonating in 11-dimensional hyperspace.” – Michio Kaku, American theoretical physicist

Enjoy the Journey

Thought for the Day: Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is about learning, experiencing, and enjoying the moments and the people you encounter. If you go on vacation, part of the fun of that trip is getting to your destination, not just the destination itself. The journey matters. Enjoy your journey my friends!


Quotes of the Day

“See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting.” – Zeenat Aman, Indian actress and model

“Life is a journey and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are and living who and what you are.” – Kelly McGillis, American stage and screen actress

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese, Italian writer and poet

Love You

Thought for the Day: Loving yourself fully and completely means loving all of you, the beautiful parts and the not so beautiful parts, unconditionally. You are good, you are ok, just the way you are. When you love yourself completely, others can love you just the way you are too!


Quotes of the Day

“It sounds like a cliche, but I also learnt that you’re not going to fall for the right person until you really love yourself and feel good about how you are.” – Emma Watson, English actress and activist

“If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.” – Kristin Chenoweth, American actress and singer

“When you’ve learned to love yourself, you get all the things that come with that. Friends, passion, success. – Christen Press, American soccer player

Be Grateful for the Little Things

Thought for the Day: Every day we are blessed with so many little things. What are the little things you ask? A nice breakfast, a great cup of coffee, a parking space closer to your destination, a stranger holding the door open for you, a warm sunny day, a butterfly landing on your hand, shoes on your feet, a surprise communication from a loved one or past friend, are all examples of the tiny blessings we experience each day. We experience many things likes this throughout the day, but we sometimes forget to have gratitude in that moment. Each time you recognize a blessing today, stop a moment and say thank you. The more gratitude you show, the more blessings the universe sends to you.


Quote of the Day

“‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, and understanding.” – Alice Walker, American novelist, poet, and social activist

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker and writer

“Gratitude, warm, sincere, intense, when it takes possession of the bosom, fills the soul to overflowing and scarce leaves room for any other sentiment or thought.” – John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States